Why are the Philippines called 'The Pearl of the Orient Seas'? What is the significance of such title?

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The term Pearl of the Orient” or “Pearl of the Orient Seas” (Perla de oriente/Perla del mar de oriente) was originally used to describe the Philippines, specifically Manila, by the Spanish Jesuit priest, Juan Jose Delgado, in his book Historia general, sacro-profana, política y natural de las Islas del Poniente llamadas Filipinas (1751).

I’ll give you snippets of what he said exactly:

En los pasados tiempos, segun cuentan los historiadores antiguos, cuando florecia el comercio con el Japon, era Manila la maravilla y perla del Oriente, asi en el vecindario, como en edificios y riquezas que, en cambio de los generos de la tierra, venian con abundancia…

In past times, according to ancient historians, when trade with Japan flourished, Manila was the wonder and pearl of the east, thus the town’s buildings and wealth, from the generosity of the land, came in abundance…

Asi en poco tiemp se olvido el nombre de Nuevea Castilla, y prevalecio el de Manila por la eleccion del mismo Adelantado; pues en este lugar fundo la ciudad, que habia de serla corte y perla del oriente.

Thus in a short time the name of Nueva Castilla was forgotten, and the name of Manila prevailed by the choice of el Adelantado [Miguel Lopez de Legazpi] himself; for in this place he founded the city, which was to be the court and pearl of the east.

Tiene su asiento en el mejor, mas ameno, frondoso y abundante sitio de la isla de Luzon, cabeza y corte de las del Archipielago Filipino. Merece muy justamante el renombre de perla del oriente, insigne, y muy leal ciudad; y como tal, goza de todos los honores, franquicias y privilegios de las que son cabezas de reino concedidos por nuestros catolicos reyes

[Manila] has its seat in the best, most enjoyable, leafy and abundant place on the island of Luzon, capital and court of the Philippine Archipelago. It deserves very justly the reputation of pearl of the east, distinguished and very loyal city; and as such, it enjoys all the honors, franchises and privileges of which they are heads of kingdom granted by our Catholic kings…

Java was referred to as “pearl of the east” in the 19th century. Apparently the term became popular shortly afterwards. Shanghai coopted the term “pearl of the east” after WW2. Hong Kong followed shortly afterwards. Then Saigon, and all the rest.


When it was officially tagged in the ‘50s, Asians saw this as a city of opportunity.

Source: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries (2004.)

Without a doubt, Asians went to Manila to learn. Almost all the things that Asia leads in today were learned in Manila. For instance, the Philippines hosted the first Asian Airline, Philippine Airlines. They also led the world in agriculture. South Korea now prospers, but they actually took advice from the Philippines. Southeast Asia was also mesmerized by the beauty of farming and the efficiency of Filipinos in growing crops.

But most importantly, the Philippines was not a Communist country.

During the 1900s, the Philippines had grown used to conquerors, so they decided to be accepting of refugees.

How the Philippines saved 1,200 Jews during Holocaust – CNN

They also accepted Vietnamese refugees, while the Philippines was under the Marcos dictatorship. You see, the situation in Asia was so terrible, that countries like Vietnam and South Korea thought that it would be paradise to live in the Philippines.

Now you may ask, “how about Japan?” It’s simple really, if a nation takes over your place, your neighbor’s place and your friend’s place, would you like to live there?

Except, Vietnam was in a bad situation. While South Korea and Japan got help from the US, communism was pushing through Vietnam.

(Philippines was also helped, but the US gave unfair conditions.)

All in all, even if Manila was the second most devastated allied capital, it trumps all the other capitals of Asia, and had the most developed population. Later years however will prove it wrong.

Even if Manila isn’t as good as before, it still has greater potential under the recent GDP growth rates of 6.7\% – similar to China and Vietnam.

As Nick Joaquin said about Manila, it is a matter of “challenge and response.“Aquí en Manila solemos resolver problemas, solo para enfrentarnos a nuevos problemas, y eso está completamente bien considerando que Filipinas es solo un país en desarrollo en comparación con su estado anterior.


En realidad, han pasado unos días desde que envié esta respuesta, y quería decir que parte de mi información era incorrecta y que faltaban unos años para la información correcta.

Por ejemplo, Filipinas Air Lines no es la aerolínea más antigua, pero Filipinas tiene aerolíneas antiguas como Cebu Pacific y PAL.

Sin embargo, de lo que estoy seguro es que PAL era una de las mejores aerolíneas y que los asiáticos vinieron a Filipinas para aprender.

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