Cómo imprimir una ArrayList de una ArrayList en Java

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import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class arrayList {


public void arrayListTest() {

// Define array list which can hold array list objects

// of type any (String/Integer/Boolean)

ArrayList> outer = new ArrayList>();

// Define array list 1 and add data to it

ArrayList innerInt1 = new ArrayList();




// Define array list 2 and add data to it

ArrayList innerInt2 = new ArrayList();




// Add inner array list objects created to outer array list

// Outer array declaration says it can hold

// arraylist objects of type Integer

outer.add(innerInt1); // here innerInt1 is ArrayList Object

outer.add(innerInt2); // here innerInt2 is ArrayList Object

// Print using prinln function


// Pring using for loop dynamically

for(int i=0;i

for(int j=0;j






Salida :

[[100, 300, 500], [200, 400, 600]]


APROBADO: arrayListTest == ============================================= Prueba predeterminada Las pruebas se ejecutan: 1, fallos: 0, saltos: 0 ======================================= ==== Conjunto predeterminado Total de pruebas ejecutadas: 1, Fallos: 0, Saltos: 0 =============================== ================


Podemos mostrar todos los elementos en ArrayList en Java usando:

  1. Por el uso de bucle for
  2. Por uso de bucle for mejorado
  3. Por uso de expresión lambda
  4. Por uso de referencia de método
  5. Mediante el uso de la secuencia

Veamos en el ejemplo:

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class MainClass


public static void main(String[] arg)


ArrayList list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5));

// Display all the elements in ArrayList in Java using for loop?

System.out.println("By use of for loop");

for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)




// Display all the elements in ArrayList in Java using enhanced for loop?

System.out.println("By use of enhanced for loop");

for(Integer ele : list)




// Display all the elements in ArrayList in Java using forEach loop

// Using lambda expression

System.out.println("By use of lambda expression");

list.forEach(a -> System.out.println(a));

// Display all the elements in ArrayList in Java using forEach loop

// Using method reference

System.out.println("By use of method reference");


// Display all the elements in ArrayList in Java using forEach loop with Streams

System.out.println("By use of stream");

list.stream().forEach(ele -> System.out.println(ele));



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